Oklahoma Hedgehogs

Hedgehog Care

Please do some research before purchasing to make sure that a hedgehog is the right pet for you. All purchases are non-refundable.

As with any new pet, there will be an adjustment period. After being adopted by a new family, everything in their world will suddenly change and they might be a little scared. Please be patient. They need time to adjust and get used to their new surroundings and new people. A great way to start the bonding process is to get them used to your scent by leaving a small piece of worn clothing in their cage for them to snuggle up in.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal so they’re awake at night and sleep during the day. They have very poor eyesight, so they rely mainly on sound and smell.

Don‘t try to pet your hedgehog in their cage. Scoop them up and get them relaxed first.

Hedgehogs are solitary animals. They prefer to live alone but some females will tolerate another female as a companion. When buying more than one, please keep in mind that it’s not guaranteed that they will continue to get along so they might need to be separated at some point. If you do plan to house two together, it’s best to get two females from the same litter. Males should never be housed together because most of them will fight. Males and females should also never be housed together because they will mate and the offspring will most likely not survive. We do not sell opposite genders to the same home.



Diet – We recommend keeping them on a high quality cat food and feeding mealworms as treats. Anything that’s labeled as hedgehog food should be avoided because most of the commercialized foods lack the proper nutrition. Diet changes should always be a slow and gradual process.


Grooming — Hedgehogs need regular nail trims. We recommend using cat nail clippers. Just trim the tip. Be careful to avoid cutting into the quick.


Baths — Hedgehogs don’t need regular baths. It dries their skin if they’re bathed too often. If they do get dirty or just need their feet washed from running in the wheel, just put them in a shallow tub of water and bathe them with plain water or Aveeno baby shampoo and a toothbrush.

Frequently Asked Questions