Oklahoma Hedgehogs

Hedgehog Supplies

      Hedgehogs need a large cage with solid flooring, bedding, heavy ceramic food dish, water bottle, and something to hide in while they sleep. They also enjoy having a wheel to run on. You’ll want to get one of the larger 12 inch wheels with solid flooring. Guinea pig cages work well for hedgehogs. The more space you can provide, the better. The cage needs to be one level with no ramps and no mesh flooring. We keep the temperature in our home in the mid 70’s so we don’t use any additional heating. If you keep your home cooler, you’ll want to add a heat lamp to your supply list. You’ll need a dome, 150W ceramic heat emitter bulb (CHE), and a thermostat. Just make sure they can get away from the heat if they get too warm.


Cage Setups Available for Purchase!

 We have cage set ups available for $100. They’re available in blue or purple. They come with a water bottle, bedding, and plastic food bowl. The set up also includes an igloo hideout, ceramic food dish, baggie of food, and a small baggie of mealworms. Please let me know before we meet if you need a cage.

Examples of cage setups and accessories for your hedgehog


Cage Setups



Things to avoid!!

Hedgehog Labeled Food

Anything that’s labeled as hedgehog food should be avoided because most of the commercialized foods lack the proper nutrition. We recommend keeping them on a high quality cat food and feeding mealworms as treats. 

Wire Floor Cages & Wire Wheels

Cages with wire floors and wire exercise wheels should be avoided. Your hedgehog’s feet can get stuck in the wire resulting in serious injuries.

Cold Temperatures

If your hedgehog gets too cold, they can go into hibernation which can be fatal. If you keep the temperature low in your home you’ll need to get a ceramic heat emitter.

Where to get started?

Please contact us to set up a time to come pick one out!

We don’t reserve them. They‘re sold on a first come, first serve basis. We’ll bring all that are still available to choose from at the time of pick up. For safety reasons, we always meet in public. The pick up location is in Norman, Oklahoma. We do not ship. We don’t use any of the payment apps. You’ll need to bring cash.